Orthopedics & Traumatology

Treating diseases and injuries of the bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons

This area specializes in treating diseases and injuries of the bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Come see our orthopedic doctor if you experience any pain or discomfort in your bones, joints, ligaments, or tendons, or if you have been injured in any way. An orthopedic doctor can help diagnose the problem, provide treatment, and help you recover.

Traumatology focuses on the immediate effects of an injury or trauma, while orthopedics looks at the long-term effects and consequences of an injury or trauma. The two fields do overlap some, but they are distinct in terms of their focus and approach. Traumatology is more geared towards emergency care and treating acute injuries, while orthopedics is more focused on preventing, diagnosing, and treating chronic conditions.


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Our Doctors

dr. Doris Flores

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dr. Doris Flores

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dr. Doris Flores

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dr. Doris Flores

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1What is an articulation?
By the term joint we mean the joining of 2 or more bones such as the joint of the knee, elbow, etc.
2What is a Ligament?
Ligaments are tissues that connect bones to each other.
3What is a Tendin?
Tendons connect muscles to bones.
4Should I apply ice or heat after a traumatic injury?
It is recommended to apply cold packs, ice. Caution: Do not apply ice directly to the skin because it causes burns. In the chronic phase, use warm ones.
5What are the causes that lead to the occurrence of a stress fracture?
They are fractures caused by repeated "stress". Occasionally, they are also caused as a result of the patient's profession. They are usually microfractures, that is, small fractures.
6When should I consult an orthopedist/traumatologist?
It is time for a consultation when the patient complains about pain or problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments which last several days. We go to the orthopedist/traumatologist when we have fractures, sprains, dislocations, etc.