
Our specialists are experts in conditions associated with nutrition and related chronic conditions

Our specialists are experts in conditions associated with nutrition and related chronic conditions. Our nutritionists can help patients create tailored plans to meet their health goals and achieve a healthy weight. Smart diets fortify the body for daily energy and strength, and can even prevent illnesses and decrease the impact of injuries. If you need help identifying specific diet needs, help modifying favorite recipes, need shopping tips, or any questions, our specialists can help.


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Our Doctors


dr. Doris Flores

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dr. Doris Flores

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Medical Facts


1What is food intolerance?
Food intolerance occurs in situations where the body has difficulty digesting certain foods or food ingredients. Eating them can cause a number of discomforts such as stomach pain, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, mouth ulcers and headaches. The most common types of food intolerance include intolerance to lactose and casein found in milk, and intolerance to gluten found in bread and some other baked goods.
2What causes a food intolerance?
A food intolerance can occur due to:
  • Lack of the enzyme needed to completely digest a certain food
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Sensitivity to a number of food additives
3What is a food allergy?
Food allergy is about a reaction of the immune system that occurs after eating a certain food. Eating just a very small amount of a food to which you are allergic can cause symptoms such as indigestion, swelling of the respiratory tract and skin rash. Food allergies are very dangerous because they can cause several life-threatening reactions: the inability to breathe can even cause death.
4How does food intolerance differ from food allergy?
An allergy affects the immune system and a small amount of food can cause symptoms, in some cases severe and life-threatening. Food intolerance affects only the digestive system, causing a series of concerns that affect the quality of life but are not as serious as in the case of allergy. In the case of intolerance, a small amount of the food to which you are intolerant can be consumed.
5What is celiac disease?
Celiac disease is a condition caused by eating gluten, a protein found in wheat and other grains. This disease has some characteristics of allergic diseases as it involves the immune system, which attacks the body's tissues after eating gluten. Symptoms include gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain; joint pain and headache. This disease requires a change in the diet you consume.
6What is a detox diet?
The detox diet eliminates toxins from the body, improving health and helping to lose weight. A detox diet involves a period of not eating, followed by a period of eating strictly only fruits, vegetables, and drinking water, fresh fruit juices, teas, and water.
7What is oxidative stress?
Oxidative stress occurs when your body has too many unstable molecules called free radicals, which require some antioxidants to eliminate them. Free radicals damage tissues and cells, proteins, your DNA and can lead to aging and health conditions such as diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. To fight free radicals, the diet must be rich in antioxidants.