Our Values


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Patients are our main priority. We care about our patients. We treat everyone with compassion, kindness, and dignity. We work hard to create a caring and compassionate environment in which to work and deliver care that is responsive to patient’s physical needs and seeks to care for social, spiritual, and emotional needs.


Patients can trust us. We tell the truth. We do what we say and we say what we do. We are open, honest, and ethical. We work in the best interests of patients at all times. Patients give informed consent to all treatments and procedures after fully understanding the options.


All team members must work together. We utilize each other’s strengths to achieve an outcome or result which is greater than what could be achieved individually. We communicate readily and freely and share information. Patients can expect a coordinated team working efficiently and effectively on their behalf.


All team members are expected to be experts in their positions. Clinicians should give patients appropriate and timely advice. Not only are we educated in our fields and have sufficient experience, but we also continuously seek out new knowledge and experiences that serve to develop our expertise so that we will provide the latest and most innovative medical services throughout the country. We also routinely and collectively improve our work.